AGM 2019 Minutes

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Minutes AGM-2019

Held Tuesday, October 15, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
South Main Seniors Drop In Centre, 2965 S.Main Street, Penticton

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Quorum confirmed with 85 members in attendance.

A MOTION was put forward by Angela Sielmann, seconded by Debbie Wagar to accept the AGM Minutes from October 10, 2018 as written – all in favour – CARRIED

3. President’s Annual Report – Mark Tamblyn, Chair

– Overall Mark T. has enjoyed the past 4 years but confirmed the Club is challenged for space since growing from 110 members to 214 members with only 4 courts. Mark Tamblyn and Don Jeffery met with city officials to further discuss the construction of 4 additional courts in 2020. The city budget will be passed in January and a request for $150,000 to build new courts will be on the budget. The PPC financial commitment toward new court construction ($37,000) is viewed as a positive gesture and will likely move our request to a higher level of priority.

– Website update and improvements (Paypal)
The intent of creating a PPC website was to produce a less labour intensive, maintenance free website. Additional costs have been incurred over the last year for enhancements that provide appropriate tools to make it maintenance free. To that end additional expense for creating a “waitlist” and “7 day sign up” is necessary. This enhancement would be a huge benefit for members and the Executive. The Board is proposing to add an extra $25.00 to the 2020 membership fee as a means to cover the additional cost.

– Update on status new courts and introduce approved site plans
Mark T. provided photos of courts in Vernon showing a seating area between the courts. The new seating area will be located between in the middle of the two courts. The 5 horseshoe pit nearest the present courts will be moved to the back area, near the school.

-Ratings for players in leveled-rated programs
Janice Manders addressed the issue of a mandatory rating system for the club to be introduced for the 2020 season. The hope is to reduce skill level inconsistency in many competitive programs. The intent is to provide a certified rater (Brooke Siver) early in the season to work with club members to come up with their PPC club rating. Members will not be able to sign up for competitive programs without a club rating. A Rating Committee will be formed to assist in the process. Recommendation for this initiative will be given to the new Board for review and acceptance.
Concerns were raised from the floor regarding cost, labour and logistics. A consensus among those present showed over 50 members (majority) were in favour of this new initiative and 22 against.

– AED Instruction – The Chair thanked Tim Mills for giving instruction to several members on the use of the AED machine recently purchased by the Club. An additional 20 members showed interest in learning how to use the AED machine.

4. Treasurer’s Report
The 2019 Financial Statements are attached to these Minutes.

A MOTION was put forward by Don Jeffrey, seconded by Janice Manders to accept the 2019 Financial Statements as written – all in favour – CARRIED.

The 2020 PPC Budget is attached to these Minutes.

A MOTION was put forward by Don Jeffrey, seconded by Ernie Treichel to approve and accept the 2020 PPC Budget as written – all in favour – CARRIED.

5. Special Resolution
A MOTION was put forward by Mark Tamblyn, seconded by Gord MacKay that the PPC membership fee be raised to $100 per member for the 2020 season. Rationale: the $25 increase is allocated to improving the website – CARRIED – (opposition 5)

6. Program Committee
Pat Meyer (Chair, Program Committee) presented the proposed 2020 Program Schedule (attached to these Minutes). The 2020 schedule is based on the use of 4 courts but the schedule will change once the additional courts are built. It was noted that the recommended changes will affect recreational play (drop in). John and Wendy Wurflinger (Court Host Coordinators) representing the “drop in” contingent presented statistical data on the popularity of the early morning drop in program showing an average of 27 (sometimes as high as 35) players per session. They raised concern that the new “drop in” time changes on the proposed schedule may cause some recreational players to go elsewhere.

A MOTION was put forward by John Wurflinger, seconded by Dave Gillis that the 2019 playing program will be used to start the 2020 playing season and run until May 31, 2020. The Executive will review the membership numbers and ratings to determine if any changes to the 2019 program are necessary to improve the play experience for all PPC members. The Executive must call a special membership meeting of all members to advise the members of their recommendation – 26 in favour, 48 against – MOTION defeated.

7. Election of new Executive and Directors

Executive (Elected by acclamation)
President – Graham Perrie
Vice-President – Dave Burgoyne
Secretary – Terri Draude
Treasurer – Don Jeffery

Directors-at-large (Elections held for three (3) positions by show of hands).
(1) Kim Coleman
(2) Janice Manders
(3) Don Milne

A MOTION was put forward by Rick Felker, seconded by Gary Gierlich to accept the newly elected 2020 PPC Board of Directors – all in favour – CARRIED.

The Chair expressed thanks to the outdoing Board members along with the many volunteers and coordinators who worked tirelessly in helping to create a great club – Kim Coleman, Janice Manders, Pat Meyer, Don Jeffery, Gary Gierlich, Terry Iceton, Gord MacKay, Dianne Hill, Debbie Wagar, Pat Lawrence, John & Wendy Wurflinger, Daryl Chadwell and Lopper (Ball Machine & instruction). Other volunteers from the last 4 years that had helped the club were asked to stand. 92% stood and were gratefully acknowledged.

8. Other business
Mark Tamblyn indicated he will re-negotiate the lease contract with the City to remove club liability when allowing an unused court for public use during designated club time.

9. Next General Meeting (tentative) will be April 21, 2020 @ 7:00 pm.
10. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Submitted by Angela Sielmann, Secretary
October 16, 2019


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