
Held Wednesday, October 10, 2018 @ 7 pm at
South Main Senior Centre, 2965 South Main Street, Penticton, B.C.

Call to order
Chairman Mark Tamblyn called the meeting to order at 7:05. 36 members were present and a quorum was confirmed.
A motion was put forward by Linda McCracken to accept the AGM minutes of October 11, 2017 and seconded by Joanne Sampson-carried.

President’s Report – Mark Tamblyn

  1. Thank-you:
    • Executive Dick Ducholke, Kim Coleman, Angela Sielmann, Janice Clary and Don Jeffery
    • Appointed positions: Debbie Wagar, Terry Iceton, Gary Gierlich, Linda McCracken, Terri Draude, Sheila Ducholke, John Wurflinger, Dave Lopushinsky, Rick Felker, Rob Taylor, Janice Manders, Marilyn Tamblyn, Cathy Heatlie, Joanne Sampson, Diane McLeod, Gail Jeffery, Janelle Nunn,
      Pat Lawrence, Mike Carter, and Rob Taylor.
    • Thank-you to our wonderful court hosts
  2. Update on new courts:
  • City of Penticton motion regarding new courts:  “Penticton City Council Motion 8.4 Pickleball Court Development 88-93 Staff Recommendation: That Council approve the development of 4 pickleball courts in 2015 on a portion of 2965 South Main Street and that council approve the future development of up to 4 additional courts (for a total of 8) adjacent to the courts noted above subject to a funding contribution from the Penticton Pickelball Association; and that council approve the allocation of the SILGA grant in the amount of $10,000 to be utilized to fund a portion of the development of pickleball courts; and further that staff continue to work with the Penticton Pickleball Association on funding partnerships for future Pickleball amenity development. *SILGA-Southern Interior Local Government Association”.
  • New Courts Contingency Fund – $26,000 as of 2018, add $5,000 for 2019 for a total of $31,000.  Goal to raise $40,000 in additional funds by tax deductible donations from members and corporations once the site if finalized
  • Fundraising committee with Chairpersons Don Jeffery and Kim Coleman will be looking for volunteers, Gary Gierlich and Don Milne have been added to the committee.
  • Todd White from the City Parks Department said the Robinson property has reached its allowable maximum density usage of 40% according to Zoning By-Law 2017-08 3.2.2. Mark showed a slide for the 5.0 acres site. This will have to be dealt with.
  • Members were asked to sign-up for small group workshops for the representatives of the different clubs and interested members of the community to address all of the needs of and opportunities for the site such as transportation. Access, Greenspace, Aesthetics as well as user Group Interests – October 24 from 2-4pm and Oct. 29 from 6-8 pm.
  • Input from the small group meeting will be analyzed and options will be put to the community and user groups to consider in a larger public event such as an open house.

3. Ratings process will be the same as 2018, 3.75 and up activities will require a rating. At the spring AGM we will discuss adding a club rating committee to supplement Brooke’s process.

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Kim Coleman presented the Financial Report to the membership (copy on file) – moved to accept Dick Ducholke, seconded Terri Draude – carried unanimous.
  2. Presentation of the 2019 budget (copy on file), moved Dianne Hill, seconded Ernie Treichel – carried unanimous.
  3. Motion: That the membership fee for the Penticton Pickleball Club remain at $75.00 per member for the 2019 season, moved Rick Felker, seconded Kim Coleman – carried unanimous.

Election of new Executive and Directors

The following were elected by acclamation:

  • President:  Mark Tamblyn
  • Vice-President – Pat Meyer
  • Treasurer – Don Jeffery
  • Secretary – Angela Sielmann
  • Director 1 (ratings) – Janice Manders
  • Director 2 (membership) – Sheila Ducholke
  • Director 3 (TBA) – Kim Coleman

Motion to approve the slate of officers and directors, moved Fred Preston, seconded by Leslie Manion.

Program changes for 2019

  • See on the blog for suggested programs
  • Ladies Day and Men’s day will switch, Ladies on Thursday and Men on Tuesday
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday drop-in will be gold/silver paddle and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday will be regular paddle
  • Program will be finalized by 2019 executive

Other business

Captains were as follows:

  • Monday 4.0+ Shootout – Sheila Ducholke
  • Monday night 4.5 RR – Janice Manders
  • Monday 3.0-3.5 RR – Don Jeffery and Gail Jeffery
  • Tuesday Men’s Day – Terry Iceton
  • Tuesday 3.75 + RR –  Sheila Ducholke
  • Wednesday 3.5 RR – Joanne Sampson and Natalie Loewen
  • Wednesday Mixed Social Doubles – Janelle Nunn
  • Thursday Ladies Day – Kim Coleman
  • Friday 3.0 and 3.5 Shootout – TBA
  • Friday 3.5+ RR mixed – Rob TTaylor
  • Saturday 3.5+ Ladies Tournament – Janice Manders
  1. Website – Dianne Hill reported that online registration will be available for 2019 membership. The new website will try to replace sign-up Genius but it is not known at this time if it can. Dianne thanked Marilyn for the 3 years she ran the blog at no cost to the club. The blog will continue until we are sure the new website is covering our needs.
  2. Drop-in Centre wants volunteers, Wendy Wurflinger and Mike Carter volunteered.
  3. Penticton Sports Committee wants representatives, deadline is October 31, John Wurflinger volunteered.
  4. Sanctioned tournament – Pat Meyer reported that he is working on a tournament for July, date TBA. He estimates the tournament could raise $10,000 to be held on our outdoor courts. Volunteers will be requested April, 2019.
  5. Facebook – Janice Manders will start a site for our club and see how it goes, could be used to make connections for buy/sell, arrange games etc. If possible, it will be coordinated with Diane H. and the website.
  6. Fundraiser- Dick Ducholke- suggested life time memberships be considered for 12 to 13 years as a way to raise funds for new courts. This will be addressed and discussed at the spring AGM.
  7. Gary Gierlich- discussed hosting a Heart & Stroke Foundation Tournament in conjunction with Pat’s tour.Funds would be split 50/50 between the club and the Heart Foundation. Health professionals and former heart patients will be invited to attend.


  1. Next General Meeting will be April 24, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
  2. Spring Social June 16, 2019 @ Bad Tattoo Tank Room
  3. Pat Meyers won the free membership raffle for 2019

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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