Club Time and Public Time – The Difference!


The Club (PPC) has had numerous inquiries from, and discussions with, members and non-members about the difference between current rules governing PPC and Public times.  It is not unexpected that some members and the playing public feel that there should be the same rules applied during PPC and Public hours.  Why are the rules different?

The PPC approached the City Recreation Department in early May with a proposal regarding the opening of the courts, including an initial stage that considered opening the courts to the Club prior to opening for public use.  At the same time the City was already considering opening the courts for restricted public use (which was equivalent to our original Stage 1 proposal).  The City Emergency Operations Committee reviewed our proposal and was impressed with the mitigation plan we had put forth.  As a result, the PPC was approved to play at what we referred to as “Stage 2,” but the city’s rules for public play basically mirrored our Stage 1 – singles/household doubles only.

The guidelines/expectations that we put in the proposal were extensive:

  1. Reserved court bookings only.
  2. No Drop-Ins.
  3. 15 minutes between bookings.
  4. Must maintain same group all week long.
  5. Can’t play in more than one group in a week.
  6. Court Hosts present for all time slots.
  7. Court host duties
  8. Disinfect entrance gates prior to players entering
  9. Only host accesses storage locker
  10. Verify players signed up are ones playing
  11. Review rules/guidelines with each group at first session
  12. Remind players to leave facility within 5 minutes of end time
  13. Contact Program Director of any issues
  14. Players not to arrive more than 5 minutes before scheduled time.
  15. List of expectations/guidelines emailed to all players, and posted on website.
  16. Players to consider wearing glove on non-paddle hand.
  17. Use foot/paddle to direct balls to others.
  18. Change sides on the right side of post/court.
  19. No hand shaking/paddle tapping.

It was our commitment to the City that members would abide by these guidelines/expectations that allowed the PPC to operate in a different and less restrictive environment than during public time.

Please note that if you also play during public time the PPC Stage 2 rules do not apply and the Club asks that you abide by the City rules.  Should PPC members not abide by the City rules when they play during public hours, it not only places the club in jeopardy of not relaxing the restrictions in the coming weeks, but could potentially have us revert to Stage 1 play.

Thank you,

PPC Executive

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