Executive Meeting of the Penticton Pickleball Club (PPC)
held on Monday August 19, 2019
- Mark Tamblyn presented the Board with drawings on the proposed location of the new courts along with sample photos of possible seating designs. A Motion was passed approving the pball court drawings and they will be submitted to the City.
- Mark reported the City budget is planned in December. Before this meeting the Club will be asked to provide a letter of intent to donate $50,000 toward the 4 new courts. A motion will be presented at the PPC AGM for the club to approve this letter of intent. At the time of the AGM the restricted fund should have approx. $37,000. The membership will be presented with some options on how donations can be made from the PPC members. A target amount might be of about $17,500.
- The Call for Nominations will be sent out to the membership as soon as possible. Gary Gierlich, Marty Lewis and Jack Bumby will form the Nominations Committee and thus receive nominations for Board positions.
- The following Board positions need to be voted on and filled at the AGM: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Directors-at-large (3)
- Dianne Hill attended the meeting to provide a strategic plan (and cost summary) for website upgrades and future needs. A Motion was passed to approve the expense of enhancing or upgrading bulk edits, creating a dynamic roster, auto-populating all forms and adding clickable program descriptions to the schedule.
- The Club Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/pentictonpickleball/ will feature a buy and sell board. The court bulletin board can also be used for this purpose.
- Pat Meyer has written a notice on the PPC website requesting volunteers join the Program Committee. He recommends 2 members from each level to join the committee.
- Sheila Ducholke suggested we use PayPal on the website as a test model for the next social function in September. This is a good way to test the functionality of PayPal on our website.
- The date for the AGM is Tuesday, October 15, 2019 @ 7:00 pm in the Great Hall at the Seniors Drop In Center.
- PPC Club Tournament – Kim Coleman will be coordinating a fun day on September 21, 2019 to be held in Mike Carter’s name. An email will be sent to the membership with details.