Executive Meeting Highlights – June 10, 2019

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  • New Courts
    The Parks and Rec Advisory Committee will consider the next steps for the Robinson Property Master Plan at their meeting on June 11th. The Committee will hear an update on the process to develop the Robinson Property Master Plan and the results of the engagement activities before considering whether or not to recommend the draft plan to Council for approval.
    UPDATE (June 12th): The Committee agreed to recommend to City Council that the Robinson Property Master Plan as presented be approved to guide future development of the property subject to available funds.
  • Insurance Update -The PPC has registered 207 members with Pickleball BC, 164 of which are new members to Pickleball Canada.
  • The Motion passed at the last meeting restricting program bookings to 4 weeks in advance is still in effect. Each Program Captain has the responsibility to oversee their programs according to their program needs.
  • A strategic plan for upgrading and maintaining the website will be created at the next executive meeting.
  • The Board plans to form a Program Steering Committee (2019, 2020) chaired by Pat Meyer. Further discussion was tabled for the next meeting.
  • Brooke Siver IPTPA Instructor will be available at the PPC on June 19, 2019 from 12:00 to 6:00 pm. You can register online if you wish to participate. The goal of the Rating Committee is for all PPC members to eventually receive a rating assessment.
  • Sheila D. reported on a successful social event at Bad Tattoo on June 9th with 29 members attending.
  • The Board unanimously agreed to prohibit the use of Cannabis on the courts during Club time. This statement will be added to the Code of Conduct (Appendix 1 – Court Etiquette Guide).
  • The proposed date for the PPC Annual General Meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2019 @ 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Center in Penticton.
  • Court Painting – Mark T. advised the Board that the requisition for the painting of the lines has been received by the School District maintenance dept. and we are waiting for the lines to be done.
  • The Board approved the purchase an AED machine to be kept in the storage bin at courtside.
  • Book-a-court Ball Machine – The ball machine cannot be booked during public time. The machine can only be booked during club time.
  • The next meeting of the PPC Board of Directors will be on July 8, 2019 at 1:00 pm
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