As the daily new case numbers are up significantly, heavy with variants, and the vaccine rollout stutter steps ahead – it is important that the pickleball community continues to maintain a steady course.
The latest changes per Dr. Henry affect pickleball play in only a minor way. Yes we can have a few more people socially distanced gathering – up to 10. But the actual game play opportunities have NOT changed:
· Indoors – singles only – zero doubles play
· Outdoors – singles only unless your playing partner lives in the same house/condo/apartment/suite as you.
Wearing masks while playing, having already received your first or even 2nd vaccine shot, nor any historical account of how safe you are – none of these permit or enable a change to the Public Health Office (PHO) orders nor the viaSport directives. Trust us – we have asked.
From the feedback we receive it is evident that many pickleball players are NOT complying – doubles is being played in many locations and not just with live-in people as partners. To the ‘much greater many’ that are playing safe within the rules and guidelines – THANK YOU for supporting the general efforts to control this pandemic.
Remember – Pickleball BC has not made any of the rules nor created any of the guidelines – they are all from our PHO and viaSport. Pickleball BC is tasked with informing and encouraging all pickleball players, not just Pickleball BC members, to join and support the COVID-19 fight.
May we have your continued support as we strive to have all pickleball play continue but in a safe and compliant way.
Karen Watson
Vice President
Pickleball BC
Walter Knecht
Pickleball BC