Event Dates: Let's Play!

2021 Year End Club Tournament

Tournament info

The Club has booked all courts October 1, 2, 3  from 8 am to 7 pm for this event.


  • Friday, Oct 1,  Women's Doubles – 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 divisions
  • Saturday, Oct 2, Men’s Doubles – 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 divisions
  • Sunday, Oct 3, Mixed Doubles – 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 divisions

Start time 9 am.  Please check in at least 1/2 hour before your event. Max of 36 teams per day/event.


Double elimination or round robin, depending on number of teams in each division. 

  • Double elimination: Matches best of 3 to 11, “Opportunity” bracket one game to 15.  Guaranteed 2 matches.
  • Round Robin: Divisions with limited numbers may play a round robin format.

Referees provided for as many matches as possible.  

Signing up:

Registration opens September 10, closes September 24.

  • If you already have a partner, sign up in the "Team Sign Up" section below. 
  • If you are looking for a partner, sign up in the "Players Needing Partners" section below. Once you find a partner, please delete your entry from the "Players Needing Partners List".

Cost:  NONE!!   No hoopla, no medals, just a fun way to bring the season to a close.

Experience Needed: NONE!! 

Never played in a tournament? Come give it a try in a comfortable, no pressure setting!


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