PPC Members,
Congratulations to all PPC members and donors who contributed to our fundraising goal of $10,000. The Executive is very pleased to inform you we have surpassed that goal! Thanks to the generous donors, as of today, we have collected a total of $12,250!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! We look forward to having a celebration once the project is completed and COVID restrictions are eased to allow for gatherings, hopefully this fall.
Moving forward, donations will always continue to be appreciated, however, we will not have an ongoing arrangement with the City of Penticton to issue tax receipts. Once the courts are completed, we will be looking to add enhancements (windscreens, seating, etc.), and are hopeful we can again enter into a similar arrangement to provide tax receipts for donations.
More EXCELLENT NEWS…………. The City of Penticton is planning to begin construction on our new courts on Monday, June 22. Fencing was set up around the construction area this morning.
Unfortunately, the construction may, at times, impact our use of Courts 1 and 4 (the east courts) during parts of the construction process. We will make adjustments to our scheduling arrangements as soon as we become aware of those needs and will do our best to advise you accordingly with the least disruption as possible.
For the duration of this project it is very important for everyone to be aware of the need to be respectful of construction signage and aware of construction traffic in the area.
Also, as of this afternoon, our metal storage cabinet will be emptied in preparation for its move over to the area of the horseshoe pitches. Court hosts, who need access to the cabinet, will be provided further details within the next few days.
Graham Perrie
PPC President