Wish Barney McCallum a Happy Birthday
Did you know that there is just ONE living founder of pickleball and soon he will be 93 years old?
Yes, it’s Barney McCallum of Seattle, Washington. Wish him a happy birthday and share your pickleball history, story and gratitude with him. He loves hearing from players around the world and their story of why they love pickleball.
The below link goes to a Google Form where you can submit your best wishes. Every week or so the birthday wishes from around the world will be printed out and given to Barney. (He prefers the printed format … no computers for him!)
Click Here: https://forms.gle/YisUHNPtMMbQsnSV8
(All birthday wishes need to be submitted by September 15, 2019. Why wait, no one is getting younger, share your happy birthday wishes NOW!)
Want More Birthday Fun? Check out this video from the summer of 2015 – pickleball’s 50th birthday celebration where Alex Hamner and Jennifer Lucore in white are singing with Barney McCallum on the original court on Bainbridge Island, WA.
Thanks to Kim Coleman for the submission.